Community grows as the direct result of living from hearts of generosity toward one another.
“Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” (I Cor. 13:5 NIV)
1. What is one of the favorite gifts you’ve received from a friend?
2. What would you describe as your love language, the way that you most feel blessed by people’s kindness.
Words of affirmation
Time spent and invested
Sharing a project together
Gifts of thoughtfulness
3. Has God ever used the encouragement of others to help you discover or be clear of a gift inside of you?
4. To whom do you owe a debt of patience and forbearance, a person who endured a lot to help you succeed?
5. Without naming names, how has God used an e.g.r. (extra grace required) person, to teach you more about his love. What is something that He has most worked on you regarding the following?
a. Impatience
b. Wanting to brush off, and just be with people who make me comfortable
c. Being quick to criticize and make judgments
d. Being tempted to gossip or dismiss people
e. Faking and rationalizing a lack of kindness
f. Pretending to forgive but not really forgiving
6. Is there a specific way the Holy Spirit is showing you He wants you to be more generous in? How could we pray for you in overcoming the hindrances to your generosity?
40 DOC - Session 3 Worship

King Of My Heart (Lyric Video) - Steffany Gretzinger | Starlight