Many people view serving as something distant and far to reach. Today we want to take some of those barriers down and see how all of us can get involved in serving God and one another.
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters."(1 John 3:16 NLT)
1. What is one weakness, or perceived shortcoming in your life that you would be surprised for God to use?
2. What unique cause, people group, nation, or outreach effort might your small group be uniquely gifted to reach out to?
3. What boundaries / roadblocks have you experienced in your life that have kept you from serving others?
4. What are some basic practical steps that you could take to serve others this week?
40 DOC - Session 5 Worship

Great Are You Lord - All Sons & Daughters (Official Live Concert)