When God gives a dream, it is the beginning of a journey that often includes 6 stages: dream, decision, delay, difficulty, dead end, and deliverance. He does this to develop our faith.
"On him we set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." (2 Corinthians. 1:10 NIV)
1. Can you think of a time where you felt like you were following God but ended up in a dead end? What did you feel like? What did you do?
2. What is an area where you feel like your dream has most recently come to a dead end? (emotionally, relationally, circumstantially, vocationally, morally…) What do you feel like the Lord might want you to surrender to Him in this place? (rights, agenda, pride, resentment, fear, disappointment with God, counterfeit faith…)
3. Can you think of an example where God’s deliverance came in a different way than you originally hoped it would? Has God ever chosen to deliver you by changing you more than your circumstances?
4. What is a decision of faith you most need to apply today?
a. To focus on what God can do instead of what you can’t do.
b. Remember what God has promised to do.
c. Surrender your right to see the deliverance come your way.
d. Live expectantly for a miracle in spite of how things look and feel.