We want to learn how to dream God’s dreams in our life so we can fulfill God’s destiny and leave God’s legacy in the lives of others.
“I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh: Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17 NKJV)
1. Can you think of a fun dream you had when you were a little kid?
2. What were some of the dream builders and what have been some of the dream quenchers in your life?
3. Do you have an example of a dream God gave you in the past that has become a legacy for others?
4. Which of the 5 stages of a dream mentioned can you especially relate to at this point in your life? Dream stage, Decision stage, Delay stage, Difficulty stage, Dead end stage, Deliverance stage
5. God wants to use dreams as a tool to begin to use faith. It is common to thank God for what we have received? What is something God wants you to thank Him for because you believe you are going to receive it but haven’t yet seen it?
6. What is a dream you would like others to help you pray about? What is an area of your life where you could use prayer to reimagine and receive a fresh dream and a fresh anointing?
Dream to Legacy Session 1 Worship

Passion - Build My Life (Live/Lyrics And Chords) ft. Brett Younker