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Week 7: Naturally Supernatural Faith



As Christians, we are called to reach for the impossible, invisible, and naturally unattainable. We are taught that faith is the key.


“And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:16 NKJV)


1. Which actions of Peter that day do you think were especially important to put him in a position to be used by God, to see a miracle? Which are some actions that you think you need to take note of? How could you do the same thing in your situation?

a. He was faithful in his routine to go and pray.

b. He was willing to stop and consider a poor man’s request.

c. He was willing to look to God’s supply though he had no resource in himself.

d. He was bold to believe that he had authority to bring the kingdom.

e. He took time to discern that the Spirit was saying something.

f. He took a step of faith.

g. He was prepared and unashamed to do ministry for Jesus in the marketplace.


2. Can you think of a time where you think you may have received a gift of faith? For example, a time in which you should’ve been terrified but you had peace. Where you didn’t know how God would provide, but you knew that you could act as if you had the provision and God came through?


3. What are some important things you can do to remain hopeful and positive so that your “expectation prepares you for a visitation?” What are the negative forces that most often fight against your faith?

a. Choosing to remember the times God came through rather than the times bad things happen.

b. A willingness to learn and declare promises in God’s Word.

c. A choice to think about the possibilities of what good and positive things you could pray for and expect to happen today, instead of imagining the worst.

d. Staying away from negative people and intentionally listening to more positive voices in your life.

e. Singing and listening to faith building worship.


4. What are some situations of need, that you may have prayed about but have never asked God specifically to show you His will to believe for a specific miracle to happen? What is a storm/mountain that you have that you could ask God to give a specific word of faith to speak to?


5. Take time to write down what you believe could be a word of faith for your situation and ask your friends to pray in agreement with you about it.


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Naturally Supernatural Worship Week 7
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