At any given moment, the most important thing going on in our life is not the circumstances of our life but the spiritual battle that we don’t see. God is at work and Satan is on the attack. Behind things that happen in our lives and thoughts that come into our minds, there are different sources (God, Satan, the flesh, the world, other people). We have to discern the source in order to respond properly.
So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. (I Kings 3:9 NIV)
1. What do you think is meant by the phrase, “Naturally supernatural people don’t just decide things they discern things?”
2. How is Satan like a scam artist? Have you ever been scammed by the Devil? What is something you’ve learned about recognizing Satan’s tricks?
3. What are ways you feel you could become more aware of the work of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives around you, so that you could join God more often in His work?
Take time to listen to people better, focus more on others than yourself.
Pray in advance to see opportunities that might come your way.
Learn to walk slower through the crowds and schedule your day to notice the needs of others.
Stay in a spirit of worship.
Ask God often what He’s doing.
4. Can you describe a situation in your life now or recently where there was really a spiritual battle going on? What do you think Satan might be trying to do? What do you think God might want you to do or see? How could the group pray with you about this?
Naturally Supernatural Worship Week 8

HFTW Song Stories - "This will be the Year"